Life is JUICY

legit blogs dos.
November 21, 2009, 7:25 pm
Filed under: just JUICY., RANDOM much? | Tags:

I did a post like this way back and decided to do it again because I have come across so very nice blogs lately.  It’s only three but they are very good blogs. Being a fellow ‘blogger’ myself(I use that term loosely) I really enjoy looking around at other people’s blogs. It’s nice too see what others are doing that you are not and it can fuel up some good ideas, in a non jocking way. They are all different in their own ways, obviously, which makes them well a ..legit blog. They consist of everything I love fashion,GOOD music and other things that I may not LOVE but I do find interesting. Sooo, I suggest you check them out and add them onto your daily blog roll.

Soles & Addicts



i’m the best mane, i deed it.
November 16, 2009, 8:43 pm
Filed under: just JUICY., RANDOM much? | Tags: , , ,


I was pretty excited to see this, Drake, Wale, and Kid Cudi featured in GQ’s 2009 Man Of The Year issue. I’m clearly a huge Wale fan, Kid Cudi is also one of my favorites and Drake has fallen a bit but he was one of my favorites. I was on Bossip and the title of this post was; ‘What’s Wrong With This Picture?’ At first I just thought it was Drake’s attire obviously, I missed that one by a long shot.. well not exactaly because his attire is off but I digress. Anyhow, the post was talking about how it was slightly ‘ridiculous’ to say that they were killing gangsta rap.

In my eyes, ‘gangsta rap’ is something that will never end, but I do believe that the new wave is coming in and making everyone kind of forget about the gangsta rappers of our time. Of course people will still go ape shit over Gucci Mane and Lil Wayne and all types of goons like them but I think they will end up being some of the only ones that people will remember. Personally I don’t exactly mind, I believe that these rappers have more substance in their rhymes and it’s not strictly just metaphors,similes and personifications, or onomatopoeia’s(burr!…that is an onomatopoeia right?) Either way I’m excited for this issue to come out, I plan on purchasing. Or tearing this page out and running(holla!)

random title just can’t get over my mans ELI

November 14, 2009, 3:42 am
Filed under: just JUICY. | Tags:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I’m late on this, y’all should kno by now I don’t watch TV and frankly I’m pretty tired of hearing about this situtation so I didn’t bother watching the interviews but for some reason….I did. And so,I shall present ‘my thoughts’….

1)This was just wayyy to serious for 106, there was so many awkward pauses and silences I was just like ..uhhh

2)Someone tell Rocsi that she is…Rocsi and not Barbra Walters. She was doing TOO much! Was it funny? Ehhh just a little.

3)This was the most sincere interviews out of all of them for Chris though, for the first time I think I truly believed his words.

4) Those riding boots…#notagoodlook chris not a good look

5)He said something about his twitter page and it reminded all over again how he is probably the most annoying tweeter ever.

6)Did y’all see miss ‘polo on my body’ round 17:25. It just stuck out to me so much. Why girl, why?

7)How many times does Chris say at the end of the day in one day? Like honestly.

And finally,

8)Does this mean it’s all OVER?!!! These questions,will not change what happened that night. Let both of them breathe sheesh!


drumroll please.
November 12, 2009, 9:29 pm
Filed under: just JUICY., la MUSICA? | Tags: ,

killed it.

sorry for the corny title.

i mean well damn.
November 4, 2009, 10:34 pm
Filed under: just JUICY., la MUSICA? | Tags:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Lord forgive me for my thoughts, I’m just so young but i mean DAMN.

Ice shall never be the same.

is this fool wearing a whisk?
October 29, 2009, 12:03 am
Filed under: just JUICY., la MUSICA? | Tags: , , , , , ,

As many know, yesterday the BET hip-hop awards came on TV last night. I didn’t watch for various reasons, 1)i didn’t even know it was coming on 2)why would i? 3) and as i said on twitter black people let me down enough i rather not.4)with a twitter, award shows become pointless

I knew it’d be a mess and from this video then I must be ms.cleo or some shit cause even when they showed the audience i was like well if this ain’t hood rat central.

I couldn’t decide if Gucci’s chain was a whisk or noose. Either way,WHY? And y’all see Plies charm on his chain come off? lmaoooo.

Another thing I heard about alot last night were the cyphers which I can tell by the videos were the best part of the videos. Nicki of course just killed it. Drake called her the best female rapper and as of now there is no one coming close. She gets everything just down pact. MOS DEFFFF <333333333333333333333333, Eminem my goshh he is just going soo hard this year killing everything he is on! The cypher with Mos Def,Black Thought, & Eminem was probably the only REAL hip-hop thing of the show, well that I saw. Y’all know how I feel about Wale wouldn’t be right if I didn’t post the cypher with him,looking for his performance though heard he killed it but that was just #dmv people talk. What can I say? We’re biased. Nipsey hussle is someone i’ve heard of for sometime, I just never listeened to his music but he seems nice.

To be continued…


who hotter than me?
October 9, 2009, 1:55 am
Filed under: just JUICY., la MUSICA? | Tags:


MTV released their annual top 10 hottest MC’s list recently, instead of having a full show they gave it in bits and peices which I don’t personally enjoy. The list this year is kind of….surprising. #1 no arguing shut up if you think differently. #2 no surprise, but I don’t agree. OKay yeah his metaphors,similes, and personifications are quite funny but wayne is NO WHERE on my top 10 list, maybe 11. Now #3 WOWWWW! Drake’s been out in the public eye for how long?  Above all these artist who have been trying for so many years. Props to him for reaching that level that many have yet to achieve. I agree slightly, but y’all should know now I’m an OLD Drake fan. This music he’s putting out now (besides so far gone) is not the BIZ-NAZZ. AND DRAKE ABOVE KANYE?!! Interesting…..Personally I think Kanye has had a pretty okay year, when it comes to being an MC lol. His lyrics on  cameos’ are hot. Rick Ross, I don’t may him much mind but everyone seemed to rave over his last album and he even qualified to make the list so he must be some good. GUCCI MANE?!! GET OUT!! GET OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!(okay I cised it) This had me pretty stunned, because first of all he’s underground. Doesn’t get much radio play, well until recently he hasn’t and as for MC WHAT?! The only thing Gucci has are catchy beats, and ad libs that I can’t help but imitate (gucci! yeahhh) Jeezy, once again not much attention. Fabolous has actually stunned me with this Losos way stuff. I think he deserved to be on here, he’s ‘certified’ now no more hollaback youngin WOO WOO! -_- 50 cent is still making music? Too gangsta for me. And Raekwon is also?

This years list defintely had me like…uhmmm okay?! Thoughts?

kanye must ruin a lot.
September 18, 2009, 3:16 am
Filed under: just JUICY. | Tags:

58373592dasurs917200924522pmALEXIS?!! IS THAT YOU?!!!


When I saw this picture i was completely shocked. Alexis was my Amber Rose when her and Kanye were together she was just bad! Not Amber bad but you really can’t compare their ‘badness’. I was probably one of the few people who hated him and amber at first, just because I thought he and Alexis were the ultimate couple hurt my soul when they broke up. But oh my goodness she looks…I don’t want to say horrible because I feel as though it is very rude but wow.

Maybe it’s the hair…

you better work.
September 1, 2009, 7:09 pm
Filed under: hmmm FASHION?, just JUICY. | Tags: ,



I believe it’s safe to say that Rihanna’s career as a model could go very far. Maybe people would actually think she had talent if she just modeled.

I’m just saying.

view the rest HERE.

september 1st; last day!
August 30, 2009, 5:36 am
Filed under: just JUICY., RANDOM much? | Tags:


Best Teen Blog

thanks, 🙂

